Thursday, 30.01.2025 at 19:00
Niguliste muuseum-kontserdisaalis
Tickets: Kutsetega!
Foto: Kaupo Kikkas
Estonian Literature Year start on January 30, 2025, in Estonian Literature Day.
To celebrate this event the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir under the direction of the conductor Tõnu Kaljuste gives a concert with Estonian music.
Texts performed by Mirtel Pohla, Richard Ester and Indrek Sammul.
Broadcast by the Estonian Classic Radio.
In 2025, it will be 500 years since the publication of the first book in Estonian, and thus, from Estonian Literature Day on January 30, 2025, until Mother Tongue Day on March 14, 2026, the Year of the Estonian Book will take place. During this period, the grand anniversary of the Estonian-language book and written Estonian will be celebrated with various exhibitions, events, and other activities.
Look more: Estonian Literature Year 2025
To celebrate this event the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir under the direction of the conductor Tõnu Kaljuste gives a concert with Estonian music.
Texts performed by Mirtel Pohla, Richard Ester and Indrek Sammul.
Broadcast by the Estonian Classic Radio.
In 2025, it will be 500 years since the publication of the first book in Estonian, and thus, from Estonian Literature Day on January 30, 2025, until Mother Tongue Day on March 14, 2026, the Year of the Estonian Book will take place. During this period, the grand anniversary of the Estonian-language book and written Estonian will be celebrated with various exhibitions, events, and other activities.
Look more: Estonian Literature Year 2025