The EPCC has released a new recording – vinyl “Seasons in Songs”, which is based on the works of Estonian great choral master Veljo Tormis (1930-1917). The output of Tormis has been a source of inspiration for many musicians. On this recording, the celebrated Estonian musicians – vocal soloist Liisi Koikson, jazz pianist Kristjan Randalu and the EPCC – perform the arrangements of Tormis’ less known vocal works. The new sound, electronic background and choral arrangements are written by Ülo Krigul and Sander Mölder.
The recording was produced in cooperation with Liisi Koikson (vocal), Kristjan Randalu (piano), Ülo Krigul, Sander Mölder (sound design, additional composition, production), the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and the conductor Kaspars Putninš. Recording, mixing, mastering by Siim Mäesalu. Artwork of the vinyl by Peeter Laurits.
“It’s not I who uses folk songs, it’s folk songs that use me.” The composer Veljo Tormis was a great Singer who managed to create an organic blend of words and music, a fusion of a philosophical message and its musical expression. And to keep both the concept and composition equally strong. And to hold on to the firm belief in the righteousness of ancient springs of song but at the same time understand that musical water needed new riverbeds to keep flowing. And to be a teacher of language, history and singing, all three at once.
Our journey on this record continues down the same path. We sourced the music in Tormis’ works. We have sung it as he taught us – making sure that we know the roots, but with an ear and feel for the time around us. Tormis lived and worked at a time when songs were passed on mainly in writing – music was noted and recreated in sheet music. The present day has seen the (re)emergence of other ways to pass on songs, which broaden the possibilities of written scores. A song lasts as long as it resounds.
Therefore, we can perhaps sum up what we do by paraphrasing Tormis – “it’s not we who use Tormis, it’s Tormis who uses us.”
Look more: EPCC discography