Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir as a guest at the Luxembourg Grande Theatre

On December the 3rd the Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir is travelling to Luxembourg, where they will stay for three weeks to participate in the grandiose opera project with top soloists and the Luxembourg City Orchestra. Giacomo Puccini’s ” La Bohème”  will be performed in the Luxembourg Grand Theatre at three evenings: December 19, 21 and 23. The opera is staged by one of the best opera directors in Europe, Christof Loy who in 2003 was awarded the title of best director by the magazine “Opernwelt”. The musical director is Roland Böer, principal conductor or Frankfurt Opera House and already known in Estonia by the successful Mozart c-minor Mass performances with Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir and Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. Stage design and costumes for ” La Bohème” are the art of Herbert Murauer.

The project is made in cooperation with Brussels La Monnaie Royal Theatre and the other choir to participate is the Latvian Radio Choir.

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