Erkki-Sven Tüür

ECM NEW SERIES, ECM 1590, CD 449 459-2

Cover photo Manfred Eicher from ECM is nominated for the 39th Grammy Award as the Classical Producer of The Year for this and two other records.

This is a handsomely produced, thought-provoking release. ECM may be looking for a new Pärt, but Tüür is his own man. Anyone wanting to hear up-to-the-minute new music that will not sear the ears off his (or her) head could do little better than try this new disc.

GRAMOPHONE - July 1996

Erkki-Sven Tüür, a 36-year-old composer who began as a progressive rock musician. The five head-spinning works on his album Crystallisatio (ECM New Series 78118-21590-2) include the free-floating but firmly structured "Architectonics VI" for flute, clarinet, vibraphone and strings, the slow-gathering "Passion" for strings, the elegant deconstruction of a baroque motif in "Illusion", and a fine-spun "Requiem" choral mass that raises a Gregorian chant out of medieval ooze and sets it loose in postmodern orbit with frightening beauty. Wolfgang Sander's essay in the album notes pinpoints the masterful, time-traveling quality of his brilliant discovery: "Tüür's music sounds as if it had strolled through the history of music assimilating theoretical inspiration and practical experience along the way. Then it seems to have wrapped itself up in a cocoon, immune to the outside world, there to develop its own contours..." The superb musicians are the Tallinn Chamber Orchestra and Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir, conducted by Tõnu Kaljuste.

THE NEW YORK OBSERVER - July I, 1996 /Charles Michener/

Tüür's music has both the spiritual directness of the music of former Soviet composers- Pärt, Kancheli or Gubaidulina, for example - and the postmodern adventurouences of some of his Finnish colleagues, such as Lindberg and Salonen.

BBC MUSIC MAGAZINE - June 1996 /Helen Wallace/

This record demonstrates his dazzling compositional skills to a much greater extent, from the jigsaw construction of Illusion (also of pop-single length with a trick ending - fantastic), to the accomplished flute writing and interwoven electronics of the title track, and the simple upwards momentum of Passion.
If Tüür is a credit to Estonian educators, so are the performes: The Tallinn Chamber Orchestra with The Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir conducted by Tõnu Kaljuste.
Perhaps he's just bloody good - exactly how good may take a little more time to figure out.

THE WIRE / Great Britain - April 1996 /John Walters/

Wie die Werke in ihrem Zusammenspiel ausweisen - in der kompetenten Interpretation des Tallinner Kammerorchesters und des estnischen Philharmonischen Kammerchors -, ist es für Tüür nur ein kurzer Weg von den Strukturen mittelalterlicher Motetten zur Musik unserer Tage, minimalistischen patterns und oszillierenden Klangflächen. Heute ist Tüür ein Enzyklopädiker. Womöglich hat er das Zeug zum universellen Komponisten.

FRANKFURTER ALLGEMEINE ZEITUNG / Germany - May 28, 1996 /Andreas Obst/

Der Este Tüür (Jahrgang 1959) bedient sich bei seinen Kompositionen Techniken von der Ars Nova des 14. Jahrhundert bis zum Serialismus. Und doch erklingt kein postmoderner An-Biedermeier, sondern faszinierende Musik, die ständig Vertrautes mit Verstörendem kontrastiert.

STEREOPLAY / Germany - June 1996 /Lothar Brandt/

Estnisch hat Konjunktur. Modales, satte Klänge, greifende Rhythmik. Wenn man alles so behandelt wie der hochbegabte Erkki-Sven Tüür, wenn Verstörendes immer wieder dazwischenfährt wie die zunächst kaum wahrnehmbaren Sirenenklänge am still besinnlichen Beginn des Requiems, dann steht eine neue, ganz persönliche Ausdruckswelt vor dem Hörer überall ist diese Kraft zu spüren.

NEUE MUSIKZEITUNG / Germany - No. 2, 1996

Music, die vom ersten bis zum letzten Takt fosziniert; Musik eines hier unbekannten estnischen Komponisten, Erkki-Sven Tüür, die, wie viele der neuen Klänge aus dem baltischen Raum, zuerst geistliche (andere würden sagen: poetische) Musik ist.

ST. GALLER TAGBLATT / Switzerland - April 29, 1996

Pour ee second disque consacré a Erkki- Sven Tüür (an premier est paru chez Finlandia), ECM a choisi des interprétes estoniens d'une qualité exemplaire af'in de donner le meilleur de cette musique qui tient autant de l'Ars nova du XIV sicele que de la technique spectrale récente.

LE MONDE DE LA MUSIQUE / France - May 1996 /Franck Mallet/

E' nata una nuova generazione di compositori colti, finalmente non irretita da schemi e dogmi di forma o c'i ilnguaggio. Ascoltate L'estone Erkki-Sven Tüür, che non si lascia condizionare dal dilemmi soliti: tonale o atonale, minimale o razionale, modale o seriale. Ma recupera tutto quello che gli serve con una spregiudicatezza e, quel che plu conta, con una emozionalita rare. Ha 36 anni l'ectettico Tüür, da giovane era leader di una rockband che faceva uno strario rock, finche non ha sentito il bisogno di studiare in conservatorio e di scrivere musiche plu ambiziose e elaborate. Come quelle splendide e struggenti di questo primo album per la ECM, che rischia di essere il piu affascinante dai tempi di Tabula rasa di Arvo Pärt (1984). Sono cinque le immaginose composizioni del debutto, tutte di densa e subliminale tessitura strumentale, con un Requiem finale per coro, soprano, tenore e archi. Le musiche di Erkki-Sven Tüür sono mirabilmente eseguite dalla Tallinn Chamber Orchestra e dall' Estonian Philharmonic Chamber Choir diretti da Tõnu Kaljuste.

LA REPUBBLICA / Italy - April 24, 1996 /Giacomo Pellicciotti/

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